Wednesday, September 9, 2015

CMC-Welcome to the New Online Registration Process for NEW PATIENTS ONLY..


Already Registered User?



New User?

New Registration
  1. Make sure that you have all the information required on this form when you begin. Once you have completed and submitted the information, you will not be able to change any of the details.

  2. Make sure that you do the Online Payment within half an hour. If the time limit exceeds, the Invoice Number will be allotted to some other Patients.

  3. The information that you fill in here will be submitted to CMC Vellore.
General instructions to book New appointments online:
  1. On clicking “Click here to register Online” icon, you are directed to page where personal & residence details of the patient has to be filled in.

  2. On submitting the filled in form, the transaction number, Bill number & Invoice number will be generated, which has to be noted down for future reference.

  3. Then you will be requested to select the appointment category (General or Private).
    If a Private doctor is chosen then, select the doctor you would prefer to consult along with the appointment date and payment mode.

  4. You will be directed to HDFC payment site. There you will have to enter the required payment information.

  5. In case of failure, the slot will be available for the next 30 minutes for you to retry.

  6. On successful completion of the payment, the system will allow you to take a print out of the appointment.
    A message to the specified mobile number and a mail to the specified mail ID will be sent.

  7. In case of payment failure, where the money gets deducted but the appointment site closes or no information is displayed,
    then you can login using the transaction number and random sequence number to get a print out.

  8. If the slot is allotted to another patient, the system will check and refund back the money automatically after 20 minutes.

  9. In case you find after a confirmed payment the appointment slot has not been allotted,
    the system will automatically allot the slot and sends the message and the email.

  10. The patient can login to take the required printout.

  11. Refunds for appointments booked online will not be made.

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